DIY Templates for Affordable YouTube Intros

DIY Templates for Affordable YouTube Intros

Steven Lv12

DIY Templates for Affordable YouTube Intros

How to Make a Cool Intro for YouTube? [+Free Templates]

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Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

For a professional presence on YouTube intro is a must. It is for the same reason that how to make an intro is one of the most popular topic now.

It is the impression that will make sure that the users are attracted. The video’s success greatly depends upon the intro as it will allow the users to get the idea.

The good news is that YouTube intro making is not a complex process due to some software and websites offering the services, which we will discuss in this article.

You will learn :

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What Is YouTube Intro?

YouTube Intro is a short clip at the start of the video that introduces the maker as well as the topic under discussion. It can be rightfully called as the trademark of your channel. The intro tells the user who you really are. This is the only part of the video that is brief and allows the users to get the first impact of you.

There are thousands of software programs and websites that allow you to get breathtaking animated intros. You can use any of the intro templates to make your first impression the best of all. The user will get to know more about you and will also subscribe to your channel.

There are certain creators that divide the intro into different sections.

Making an intro has never been as easy as it is now. Kudos to the programs that are available online as well as offline.

Why You Need a YouTube Intro?

There are many reasons for which you need YouTube intro. Some reasons are mentioned as under for you better understanding.

  • It will get you the relevant traffic

The intro will let the users know what your channel is all about. It will, in turn, get you the best and the most relevant leads. If you are running eCommerce business then the intro will get you into the limelight that you deserve.

  • It makes a difference

It simply means that you will see a change in traffic as well as in the overall growth of your channel. You will also see the difference in the working of the channel. A good intro will bring in the relevant audience and this, in turn, will make sure that you get new ideas to make your channel stand out.

  • Recognition

An intro makes sure that you get the recognition that you desire. It will also make sure that you get the best and the most advanced outcome that is related to your business. Getting recognition is like a dream come true for the vloggers.

It will make sure that the revenue bases, as well as the sales, are increased. The potential customers will only subscribe to your services and channel if your intro is relevant. Also, you need to keep it short and highly targeted.

How to Make Your Own Perfect YouTube Intro Using Filmora?

With the best and the most advanced techniques, Filmora is a program that will let you create the intro which is just awesome. The program is easy to use and will also make sure that you get to know its features in great detail. The interface, as well as the format support, is awesome.

You need not be a tech-savvy person to operate the program as it is self-explanatory. Fimora has been highly regarded as one of the best programs. It is all because of the viability that it provides to its users.

Features of the program

  • The program supports a wide range of formats. You can export as well as import files in a wide range of formats.
  • The user interface is intuitive and easy to understand. The graphical properties will make sure that you understand the working of it easily.
  • There are more than 300 effects on the program that will make sure to get you the specialized experience you want to have with your channel.
  • The intro can be directly uploaded to YouTube and there is no need to export and upload separately.
  • The tech specialties of the program are highly in line with the current trends. Apart from intro making, there is a wide range of functions that the program can perform.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

The Process to create your own YouTube intro by Filmora?

If you want to make intro using Filmora then it is advised to follow the steps as under to get the best outcome.

Step 1: Click on import or import media files on the main interface to make sure that the intro material is imported to the program.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 2: Head over to “Title” and you can add them to you YouTube intro with ease:

Step 3: To add opener you need to head to “Opener” under Titles and right-click the one you want to select. Click apply and it will be added to the timeline.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 4: You can also change the duration of the title effects. Drag its edge on the timeline you can also click the clock icon and enter new duration.

Step 5: Under the style tab you can change the font, text type, and other settings.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 6: To edit the intro, even more, click the “Advanced” button to access the advanced editing panel. Add text boxes, shapes and other effects from here.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 7: Under “Effects” you can access the filters and overlays to add to your project.

Step 8: The default length of the filter is 5 seconds that can be extended by dragging its corners on to the timeline.

Step 9: Under the audio heading you can change the volume of the sound of your intro to the level you want.

Step 10: You can also stabilize the video by right-clicking it in the timeline and then going to properties. You will see the stabilization editing panel.

Step 11: Once the editing has been done you just need to click Export on the toolbar. Under the window that appears you can export the intro with respect to device, format, and can also burn it onto the DVD. If you want you can also directly upload the intro to YouTube and other social media platforms.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

It’s very easy right? Download Filmora and make a click-driven intro now!

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

Key Takeaways to Create Great Attractive YouTube Intro

There are certain sections that will make sure that you get the best YouTube intro of all time. It is also important as the intro is regarded as the face of your channel. It will allow you to get the attention for your channel. Some important points are as under.

1. It must be to the point

If you want to impress your audience then remember that you only have 10 – 20 seconds. The longer the intro the bore it is. It must be highly relevant and must make sure that the users get the point of your channel. It will let you thrive a lot.

If for any reason there is an element of confusion within your intro it will never do well. If you want to know how to make an intro for YouTube then it is advised to keep reading on. This article will surely help you a lot.

2. Short means Sweet

The point is that your intro should be to the point. It means that you must never prolong your intro for any reason. Again here comes the element of relevancy.

It means that you must keep your intro as short as possible as it allows you to capture the audience in a far better manner. A short intro will make sure that you are getting the attention that you need when it comes to your channel. So it will boost your channel traffic a lot.

3. It must be in line with your channel theme

Again it is critical that your intro is relevant to your channel. It means that the intro made should represent your channel’s content instead of anything else. It will make sure that you get the best and most relevant audience.

This will once again boost your channel as well as traffic surge will also occur. You will get the best outcome that will make it possible for you to channel the traffic wherever you want. This, in turn, will also boost your channel revenue in case of monetization.

4. Awesome Music

It is the most important part that will impact your YouTube intro. Good music will make sure that you get the best outcome and the users are attracted. There are many YouTube channels that were only recognized as their music was awesome.

5. Clean Visuals

HD and the high quality intro is the key to your channel’s success. It is highly regarded as the best way to attract people. You must spend time to make sure that it looks great and to the point. This is one of the ways to make sure that your intro looks good and awesome.

6. Technically Sound

It is again important to note that technically the intro that has been made is sound and is to the point. From transitions to fade and from animations to PIP there are a lot of details that should be taken care of. It will make sure that you get the intro that is highly professional and specialized.

If you think making a intro yourself is too complex and time-consuming, I also find some popular YouTube intro templates for you. Some of the coolest YouTube intro styles are as follows.

1. Logo and URL Style

This is one of the most common and frequently used YouTube intro style. There are many templates that are associated with it. Some of these are mentioned as under. These effects are mostly used if you are running a tech channel but the use is not limited to this alone.

2. Promotional Style

For promotion, there are tons of intros that are available online and anyone can be used. The content creation with such templates is easy. It is because there are many changes that can be done to promote your channel. The best part of these templates is that they are highly customizable.

These templates can also be used to create art for the outros as well that will further solidify the channel. Promoting products at the start and end of the YouTube channel is simply an awesome and fun factor. Some of the coolest templates that can be used in this regard are as follows.

3. Gaming Intro Styles

It is s well-known fact that the gaming industry is booming. There are literally hundreds of gaming channels on YouTube that are working just awesome. The kiddos are earning are a lot with the channel and the future is also bright.

To get the best gaming intro you need to focus on the outcome on the gaming brand you are trying to promote. Some of the coolest gaming channel intros that could be used to get the work done are as follows.


This article has taught you well how to make an intro with ease and perfection. The different templates are available online which can be used to make awesome YouTube intros. The best software that you can find on the market is the Wondershare Filmora which makes the process a lot easier.

The program is known for the awesome workability as well as viability kudos to the developers of this awesome software. It is also recommended sharing this article on social media such as Facebook and Twitter so that the others can also benefit from it. It will also help others in creating awesome YouTube tutorials.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

For a professional presence on YouTube intro is a must. It is for the same reason that how to make an intro is one of the most popular topic now.

It is the impression that will make sure that the users are attracted. The video’s success greatly depends upon the intro as it will allow the users to get the idea.

The good news is that YouTube intro making is not a complex process due to some software and websites offering the services, which we will discuss in this article.

You will learn :

Wondershare Filmstock Gaming Video Editing Skils ]( )

What Is YouTube Intro?

YouTube Intro is a short clip at the start of the video that introduces the maker as well as the topic under discussion. It can be rightfully called as the trademark of your channel. The intro tells the user who you really are. This is the only part of the video that is brief and allows the users to get the first impact of you.

There are thousands of software programs and websites that allow you to get breathtaking animated intros. You can use any of the intro templates to make your first impression the best of all. The user will get to know more about you and will also subscribe to your channel.

There are certain creators that divide the intro into different sections.

Making an intro has never been as easy as it is now. Kudos to the programs that are available online as well as offline.

Why You Need a YouTube Intro?

There are many reasons for which you need YouTube intro. Some reasons are mentioned as under for you better understanding.

  • It will get you the relevant traffic

The intro will let the users know what your channel is all about. It will, in turn, get you the best and the most relevant leads. If you are running eCommerce business then the intro will get you into the limelight that you deserve.

  • It makes a difference

It simply means that you will see a change in traffic as well as in the overall growth of your channel. You will also see the difference in the working of the channel. A good intro will bring in the relevant audience and this, in turn, will make sure that you get new ideas to make your channel stand out.

  • Recognition

An intro makes sure that you get the recognition that you desire. It will also make sure that you get the best and the most advanced outcome that is related to your business. Getting recognition is like a dream come true for the vloggers.

It will make sure that the revenue bases, as well as the sales, are increased. The potential customers will only subscribe to your services and channel if your intro is relevant. Also, you need to keep it short and highly targeted.

How to Make Your Own Perfect YouTube Intro Using Filmora?

With the best and the most advanced techniques, Filmora is a program that will let you create the intro which is just awesome. The program is easy to use and will also make sure that you get to know its features in great detail. The interface, as well as the format support, is awesome.

You need not be a tech-savvy person to operate the program as it is self-explanatory. Fimora has been highly regarded as one of the best programs. It is all because of the viability that it provides to its users.

Features of the program

  • The program supports a wide range of formats. You can export as well as import files in a wide range of formats.
  • The user interface is intuitive and easy to understand. The graphical properties will make sure that you understand the working of it easily.
  • There are more than 300 effects on the program that will make sure to get you the specialized experience you want to have with your channel.
  • The intro can be directly uploaded to YouTube and there is no need to export and upload separately.
  • The tech specialties of the program are highly in line with the current trends. Apart from intro making, there is a wide range of functions that the program can perform.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

The Process to create your own YouTube intro by Filmora?

If you want to make intro using Filmora then it is advised to follow the steps as under to get the best outcome.

Step 1: Click on import or import media files on the main interface to make sure that the intro material is imported to the program.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 2: Head over to “Title” and you can add them to you YouTube intro with ease:

Step 3: To add opener you need to head to “Opener” under Titles and right-click the one you want to select. Click apply and it will be added to the timeline.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 4: You can also change the duration of the title effects. Drag its edge on the timeline you can also click the clock icon and enter new duration.

Step 5: Under the style tab you can change the font, text type, and other settings.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 6: To edit the intro, even more, click the “Advanced” button to access the advanced editing panel. Add text boxes, shapes and other effects from here.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 7: Under “Effects” you can access the filters and overlays to add to your project.

Step 8: The default length of the filter is 5 seconds that can be extended by dragging its corners on to the timeline.

Step 9: Under the audio heading you can change the volume of the sound of your intro to the level you want.

Step 10: You can also stabilize the video by right-clicking it in the timeline and then going to properties. You will see the stabilization editing panel.

Step 11: Once the editing has been done you just need to click Export on the toolbar. Under the window that appears you can export the intro with respect to device, format, and can also burn it onto the DVD. If you want you can also directly upload the intro to YouTube and other social media platforms.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

It’s very easy right? Download Filmora and make a click-driven intro now!

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

Key Takeaways to Create Great Attractive YouTube Intro

There are certain sections that will make sure that you get the best YouTube intro of all time. It is also important as the intro is regarded as the face of your channel. It will allow you to get the attention for your channel. Some important points are as under.

1. It must be to the point

If you want to impress your audience then remember that you only have 10 – 20 seconds. The longer the intro the bore it is. It must be highly relevant and must make sure that the users get the point of your channel. It will let you thrive a lot.

If for any reason there is an element of confusion within your intro it will never do well. If you want to know how to make an intro for YouTube then it is advised to keep reading on. This article will surely help you a lot.

2. Short means Sweet

The point is that your intro should be to the point. It means that you must never prolong your intro for any reason. Again here comes the element of relevancy.

It means that you must keep your intro as short as possible as it allows you to capture the audience in a far better manner. A short intro will make sure that you are getting the attention that you need when it comes to your channel. So it will boost your channel traffic a lot.

3. It must be in line with your channel theme

Again it is critical that your intro is relevant to your channel. It means that the intro made should represent your channel’s content instead of anything else. It will make sure that you get the best and most relevant audience.

This will once again boost your channel as well as traffic surge will also occur. You will get the best outcome that will make it possible for you to channel the traffic wherever you want. This, in turn, will also boost your channel revenue in case of monetization.

4. Awesome Music

It is the most important part that will impact your YouTube intro. Good music will make sure that you get the best outcome and the users are attracted. There are many YouTube channels that were only recognized as their music was awesome.

5. Clean Visuals

HD and the high quality intro is the key to your channel’s success. It is highly regarded as the best way to attract people. You must spend time to make sure that it looks great and to the point. This is one of the ways to make sure that your intro looks good and awesome.

6. Technically Sound

It is again important to note that technically the intro that has been made is sound and is to the point. From transitions to fade and from animations to PIP there are a lot of details that should be taken care of. It will make sure that you get the intro that is highly professional and specialized.

If you think making a intro yourself is too complex and time-consuming, I also find some popular YouTube intro templates for you. Some of the coolest YouTube intro styles are as follows.

1. Logo and URL Style

This is one of the most common and frequently used YouTube intro style. There are many templates that are associated with it. Some of these are mentioned as under. These effects are mostly used if you are running a tech channel but the use is not limited to this alone.

2. Promotional Style

For promotion, there are tons of intros that are available online and anyone can be used. The content creation with such templates is easy. It is because there are many changes that can be done to promote your channel. The best part of these templates is that they are highly customizable.

These templates can also be used to create art for the outros as well that will further solidify the channel. Promoting products at the start and end of the YouTube channel is simply an awesome and fun factor. Some of the coolest templates that can be used in this regard are as follows.

3. Gaming Intro Styles

It is s well-known fact that the gaming industry is booming. There are literally hundreds of gaming channels on YouTube that are working just awesome. The kiddos are earning are a lot with the channel and the future is also bright.

To get the best gaming intro you need to focus on the outcome on the gaming brand you are trying to promote. Some of the coolest gaming channel intros that could be used to get the work done are as follows.


This article has taught you well how to make an intro with ease and perfection. The different templates are available online which can be used to make awesome YouTube intros. The best software that you can find on the market is the Wondershare Filmora which makes the process a lot easier.

The program is known for the awesome workability as well as viability kudos to the developers of this awesome software. It is also recommended sharing this article on social media such as Facebook and Twitter so that the others can also benefit from it. It will also help others in creating awesome YouTube tutorials.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

For a professional presence on YouTube intro is a must. It is for the same reason that how to make an intro is one of the most popular topic now.

It is the impression that will make sure that the users are attracted. The video’s success greatly depends upon the intro as it will allow the users to get the idea.

The good news is that YouTube intro making is not a complex process due to some software and websites offering the services, which we will discuss in this article.

You will learn :

Wondershare Filmstock Gaming Video Editing Skils ]( )

What Is YouTube Intro?

YouTube Intro is a short clip at the start of the video that introduces the maker as well as the topic under discussion. It can be rightfully called as the trademark of your channel. The intro tells the user who you really are. This is the only part of the video that is brief and allows the users to get the first impact of you.

There are thousands of software programs and websites that allow you to get breathtaking animated intros. You can use any of the intro templates to make your first impression the best of all. The user will get to know more about you and will also subscribe to your channel.

There are certain creators that divide the intro into different sections.

Making an intro has never been as easy as it is now. Kudos to the programs that are available online as well as offline.

Why You Need a YouTube Intro?

There are many reasons for which you need YouTube intro. Some reasons are mentioned as under for you better understanding.

  • It will get you the relevant traffic

The intro will let the users know what your channel is all about. It will, in turn, get you the best and the most relevant leads. If you are running eCommerce business then the intro will get you into the limelight that you deserve.

  • It makes a difference

It simply means that you will see a change in traffic as well as in the overall growth of your channel. You will also see the difference in the working of the channel. A good intro will bring in the relevant audience and this, in turn, will make sure that you get new ideas to make your channel stand out.

  • Recognition

An intro makes sure that you get the recognition that you desire. It will also make sure that you get the best and the most advanced outcome that is related to your business. Getting recognition is like a dream come true for the vloggers.

It will make sure that the revenue bases, as well as the sales, are increased. The potential customers will only subscribe to your services and channel if your intro is relevant. Also, you need to keep it short and highly targeted.

How to Make Your Own Perfect YouTube Intro Using Filmora?

With the best and the most advanced techniques, Filmora is a program that will let you create the intro which is just awesome. The program is easy to use and will also make sure that you get to know its features in great detail. The interface, as well as the format support, is awesome.

You need not be a tech-savvy person to operate the program as it is self-explanatory. Fimora has been highly regarded as one of the best programs. It is all because of the viability that it provides to its users.

Features of the program

  • The program supports a wide range of formats. You can export as well as import files in a wide range of formats.
  • The user interface is intuitive and easy to understand. The graphical properties will make sure that you understand the working of it easily.
  • There are more than 300 effects on the program that will make sure to get you the specialized experience you want to have with your channel.
  • The intro can be directly uploaded to YouTube and there is no need to export and upload separately.
  • The tech specialties of the program are highly in line with the current trends. Apart from intro making, there is a wide range of functions that the program can perform.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

The Process to create your own YouTube intro by Filmora?

If you want to make intro using Filmora then it is advised to follow the steps as under to get the best outcome.

Step 1: Click on import or import media files on the main interface to make sure that the intro material is imported to the program.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 2: Head over to “Title” and you can add them to you YouTube intro with ease:

Step 3: To add opener you need to head to “Opener” under Titles and right-click the one you want to select. Click apply and it will be added to the timeline.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 4: You can also change the duration of the title effects. Drag its edge on the timeline you can also click the clock icon and enter new duration.

Step 5: Under the style tab you can change the font, text type, and other settings.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 6: To edit the intro, even more, click the “Advanced” button to access the advanced editing panel. Add text boxes, shapes and other effects from here.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 7: Under “Effects” you can access the filters and overlays to add to your project.

Step 8: The default length of the filter is 5 seconds that can be extended by dragging its corners on to the timeline.

Step 9: Under the audio heading you can change the volume of the sound of your intro to the level you want.

Step 10: You can also stabilize the video by right-clicking it in the timeline and then going to properties. You will see the stabilization editing panel.

Step 11: Once the editing has been done you just need to click Export on the toolbar. Under the window that appears you can export the intro with respect to device, format, and can also burn it onto the DVD. If you want you can also directly upload the intro to YouTube and other social media platforms.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

It’s very easy right? Download Filmora and make a click-driven intro now!

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

Key Takeaways to Create Great Attractive YouTube Intro

There are certain sections that will make sure that you get the best YouTube intro of all time. It is also important as the intro is regarded as the face of your channel. It will allow you to get the attention for your channel. Some important points are as under.

1. It must be to the point

If you want to impress your audience then remember that you only have 10 – 20 seconds. The longer the intro the bore it is. It must be highly relevant and must make sure that the users get the point of your channel. It will let you thrive a lot.

If for any reason there is an element of confusion within your intro it will never do well. If you want to know how to make an intro for YouTube then it is advised to keep reading on. This article will surely help you a lot.

2. Short means Sweet

The point is that your intro should be to the point. It means that you must never prolong your intro for any reason. Again here comes the element of relevancy.

It means that you must keep your intro as short as possible as it allows you to capture the audience in a far better manner. A short intro will make sure that you are getting the attention that you need when it comes to your channel. So it will boost your channel traffic a lot.

3. It must be in line with your channel theme

Again it is critical that your intro is relevant to your channel. It means that the intro made should represent your channel’s content instead of anything else. It will make sure that you get the best and most relevant audience.

This will once again boost your channel as well as traffic surge will also occur. You will get the best outcome that will make it possible for you to channel the traffic wherever you want. This, in turn, will also boost your channel revenue in case of monetization.

4. Awesome Music

It is the most important part that will impact your YouTube intro. Good music will make sure that you get the best outcome and the users are attracted. There are many YouTube channels that were only recognized as their music was awesome.

5. Clean Visuals

HD and the high quality intro is the key to your channel’s success. It is highly regarded as the best way to attract people. You must spend time to make sure that it looks great and to the point. This is one of the ways to make sure that your intro looks good and awesome.

6. Technically Sound

It is again important to note that technically the intro that has been made is sound and is to the point. From transitions to fade and from animations to PIP there are a lot of details that should be taken care of. It will make sure that you get the intro that is highly professional and specialized.

If you think making a intro yourself is too complex and time-consuming, I also find some popular YouTube intro templates for you. Some of the coolest YouTube intro styles are as follows.

1. Logo and URL Style

This is one of the most common and frequently used YouTube intro style. There are many templates that are associated with it. Some of these are mentioned as under. These effects are mostly used if you are running a tech channel but the use is not limited to this alone.

2. Promotional Style

For promotion, there are tons of intros that are available online and anyone can be used. The content creation with such templates is easy. It is because there are many changes that can be done to promote your channel. The best part of these templates is that they are highly customizable.

These templates can also be used to create art for the outros as well that will further solidify the channel. Promoting products at the start and end of the YouTube channel is simply an awesome and fun factor. Some of the coolest templates that can be used in this regard are as follows.

3. Gaming Intro Styles

It is s well-known fact that the gaming industry is booming. There are literally hundreds of gaming channels on YouTube that are working just awesome. The kiddos are earning are a lot with the channel and the future is also bright.

To get the best gaming intro you need to focus on the outcome on the gaming brand you are trying to promote. Some of the coolest gaming channel intros that could be used to get the work done are as follows.


This article has taught you well how to make an intro with ease and perfection. The different templates are available online which can be used to make awesome YouTube intros. The best software that you can find on the market is the Wondershare Filmora which makes the process a lot easier.

The program is known for the awesome workability as well as viability kudos to the developers of this awesome software. It is also recommended sharing this article on social media such as Facebook and Twitter so that the others can also benefit from it. It will also help others in creating awesome YouTube tutorials.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

For a professional presence on YouTube intro is a must. It is for the same reason that how to make an intro is one of the most popular topic now.

It is the impression that will make sure that the users are attracted. The video’s success greatly depends upon the intro as it will allow the users to get the idea.

The good news is that YouTube intro making is not a complex process due to some software and websites offering the services, which we will discuss in this article.

You will learn :

Wondershare Filmstock Gaming Video Editing Skils ]( )

What Is YouTube Intro?

YouTube Intro is a short clip at the start of the video that introduces the maker as well as the topic under discussion. It can be rightfully called as the trademark of your channel. The intro tells the user who you really are. This is the only part of the video that is brief and allows the users to get the first impact of you.

There are thousands of software programs and websites that allow you to get breathtaking animated intros. You can use any of the intro templates to make your first impression the best of all. The user will get to know more about you and will also subscribe to your channel.

There are certain creators that divide the intro into different sections.

Making an intro has never been as easy as it is now. Kudos to the programs that are available online as well as offline.

Why You Need a YouTube Intro?

There are many reasons for which you need YouTube intro. Some reasons are mentioned as under for you better understanding.

  • It will get you the relevant traffic

The intro will let the users know what your channel is all about. It will, in turn, get you the best and the most relevant leads. If you are running eCommerce business then the intro will get you into the limelight that you deserve.

  • It makes a difference

It simply means that you will see a change in traffic as well as in the overall growth of your channel. You will also see the difference in the working of the channel. A good intro will bring in the relevant audience and this, in turn, will make sure that you get new ideas to make your channel stand out.

  • Recognition

An intro makes sure that you get the recognition that you desire. It will also make sure that you get the best and the most advanced outcome that is related to your business. Getting recognition is like a dream come true for the vloggers.

It will make sure that the revenue bases, as well as the sales, are increased. The potential customers will only subscribe to your services and channel if your intro is relevant. Also, you need to keep it short and highly targeted.

How to Make Your Own Perfect YouTube Intro Using Filmora?

With the best and the most advanced techniques, Filmora is a program that will let you create the intro which is just awesome. The program is easy to use and will also make sure that you get to know its features in great detail. The interface, as well as the format support, is awesome.

You need not be a tech-savvy person to operate the program as it is self-explanatory. Fimora has been highly regarded as one of the best programs. It is all because of the viability that it provides to its users.

Features of the program

  • The program supports a wide range of formats. You can export as well as import files in a wide range of formats.
  • The user interface is intuitive and easy to understand. The graphical properties will make sure that you understand the working of it easily.
  • There are more than 300 effects on the program that will make sure to get you the specialized experience you want to have with your channel.
  • The intro can be directly uploaded to YouTube and there is no need to export and upload separately.
  • The tech specialties of the program are highly in line with the current trends. Apart from intro making, there is a wide range of functions that the program can perform.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

The Process to create your own YouTube intro by Filmora?

If you want to make intro using Filmora then it is advised to follow the steps as under to get the best outcome.

Step 1: Click on import or import media files on the main interface to make sure that the intro material is imported to the program.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 2: Head over to “Title” and you can add them to you YouTube intro with ease:

Step 3: To add opener you need to head to “Opener” under Titles and right-click the one you want to select. Click apply and it will be added to the timeline.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 4: You can also change the duration of the title effects. Drag its edge on the timeline you can also click the clock icon and enter new duration.

Step 5: Under the style tab you can change the font, text type, and other settings.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 6: To edit the intro, even more, click the “Advanced” button to access the advanced editing panel. Add text boxes, shapes and other effects from here.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

Step 7: Under “Effects” you can access the filters and overlays to add to your project.

Step 8: The default length of the filter is 5 seconds that can be extended by dragging its corners on to the timeline.

Step 9: Under the audio heading you can change the volume of the sound of your intro to the level you want.

Step 10: You can also stabilize the video by right-clicking it in the timeline and then going to properties. You will see the stabilization editing panel.

Step 11: Once the editing has been done you just need to click Export on the toolbar. Under the window that appears you can export the intro with respect to device, format, and can also burn it onto the DVD. If you want you can also directly upload the intro to YouTube and other social media platforms.

how to make an intro by Filmora step

It’s very easy right? Download Filmora and make a click-driven intro now!

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

Key Takeaways to Create Great Attractive YouTube Intro

There are certain sections that will make sure that you get the best YouTube intro of all time. It is also important as the intro is regarded as the face of your channel. It will allow you to get the attention for your channel. Some important points are as under.

1. It must be to the point

If you want to impress your audience then remember that you only have 10 – 20 seconds. The longer the intro the bore it is. It must be highly relevant and must make sure that the users get the point of your channel. It will let you thrive a lot.

If for any reason there is an element of confusion within your intro it will never do well. If you want to know how to make an intro for YouTube then it is advised to keep reading on. This article will surely help you a lot.

2. Short means Sweet

The point is that your intro should be to the point. It means that you must never prolong your intro for any reason. Again here comes the element of relevancy.

It means that you must keep your intro as short as possible as it allows you to capture the audience in a far better manner. A short intro will make sure that you are getting the attention that you need when it comes to your channel. So it will boost your channel traffic a lot.

3. It must be in line with your channel theme

Again it is critical that your intro is relevant to your channel. It means that the intro made should represent your channel’s content instead of anything else. It will make sure that you get the best and most relevant audience.

This will once again boost your channel as well as traffic surge will also occur. You will get the best outcome that will make it possible for you to channel the traffic wherever you want. This, in turn, will also boost your channel revenue in case of monetization.

4. Awesome Music

It is the most important part that will impact your YouTube intro. Good music will make sure that you get the best outcome and the users are attracted. There are many YouTube channels that were only recognized as their music was awesome.

5. Clean Visuals

HD and the high quality intro is the key to your channel’s success. It is highly regarded as the best way to attract people. You must spend time to make sure that it looks great and to the point. This is one of the ways to make sure that your intro looks good and awesome.

6. Technically Sound

It is again important to note that technically the intro that has been made is sound and is to the point. From transitions to fade and from animations to PIP there are a lot of details that should be taken care of. It will make sure that you get the intro that is highly professional and specialized.

If you think making a intro yourself is too complex and time-consuming, I also find some popular YouTube intro templates for you. Some of the coolest YouTube intro styles are as follows.

1. Logo and URL Style

This is one of the most common and frequently used YouTube intro style. There are many templates that are associated with it. Some of these are mentioned as under. These effects are mostly used if you are running a tech channel but the use is not limited to this alone.

2. Promotional Style

For promotion, there are tons of intros that are available online and anyone can be used. The content creation with such templates is easy. It is because there are many changes that can be done to promote your channel. The best part of these templates is that they are highly customizable.

These templates can also be used to create art for the outros as well that will further solidify the channel. Promoting products at the start and end of the YouTube channel is simply an awesome and fun factor. Some of the coolest templates that can be used in this regard are as follows.

3. Gaming Intro Styles

It is s well-known fact that the gaming industry is booming. There are literally hundreds of gaming channels on YouTube that are working just awesome. The kiddos are earning are a lot with the channel and the future is also bright.

To get the best gaming intro you need to focus on the outcome on the gaming brand you are trying to promote. Some of the coolest gaming channel intros that could be used to get the work done are as follows.


This article has taught you well how to make an intro with ease and perfection. The different templates are available online which can be used to make awesome YouTube intros. The best software that you can find on the market is the Wondershare Filmora which makes the process a lot easier.

The program is known for the awesome workability as well as viability kudos to the developers of this awesome software. It is also recommended sharing this article on social media such as Facebook and Twitter so that the others can also benefit from it. It will also help others in creating awesome YouTube tutorials.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Decoding Unlisted Videos: A Deep Dive Into YouTube Secrecy

Complete Guide: What Does Unlisted Mean on YouTube

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Whether personal or professional purposes, YouTube is a great platform for sharing videos but, there are times, when you don’t wish to share it with each and everyone across the globe. The YouTube unlisted meaning is a video which can be viewed only by the users having the link to it. At the back of your mind, you may be wondering how safe an unlisted video is. Let’s learn in detail what does unlisted mean on YouTube.

Wondershare Filmora video editor is one of the most widely used video editing software for YouTubers, it makes the video editing simplified with the pre-programmed effects and templates. You can download the free trial version to check.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

Part 1: What Does Unlisted Video Mean on YouTube

The YouTube unlisted meaning is that your video will neither come up in the search results nor on your channel. Only the users who have the link to the video can view it. The link can be shared with anyone and everyone, even with the users who do not have a YouTube account. Many people don’t know the difference between private and unlisted YouTube videos . In order to understand what does unlisted mean on YouTube in a detailed way, let’s dive deeper into it and know the difference between public videos, unlisted videos, and private videos.

1. What is Unlisted YouTube Video

Between private and public, you can find the unlisted videos. What does unlisted mean on YouTube? An unlisted video does not appear in the search results, suggestions or video tab. If you unlist a new video, your subscribers won’t receive any notification informing about it. You can share an unlisted video with the people you wish to share and the users having a link to the video can see it. It can also be viewed by the friend of friends if they share the link with their friends.

The unlisted videos are treated like public videos by YouTube. This means that you cannot use the copyright audio or video and it will be reviewed by the YouTube team if other users flag it as inappropriate content within a timeframe of 24-hours .

Unlisted YouTube Video

What Unlisted YouTube Videos Can Do

The unlisted videos can be shared with family and friends. If you are conducting a webinar and wish to share the video with only the registered users, an unlisted video can be used. You may also use the unlisted video for giving access to the people who embedded it while cleaning the YouTube page. For getting feedback from closed groups for market research or to share online resume link for job applications, the unlisted videos can be of great help.

Takeaway: Unlisted videos are a great way to share personal videos with just your family and friends, or to get feedback from people you trust on videos before you decide whether to make them public.

2. What is Private YouTube Video

The videos that do not appear in the recommendations, search options in YouTube or in your tab are the private videos. When you select the private setting for a video, the subscribers don’t get a notification. The private videos can be seen only by the uploader and the mentioned Google accounts. It is not available for friends of friends which mean if you share a private video with a friend, only that person can see it. If your friend shares it with someone, it won’t be visible to others. If anyone wishes to view a private video, the person has to request permission to view to the uploader.

Private YouTube Video

What Private Youtube Videos Can Do

By using private YouTube videos, the internal company information can be kept confidential, the family videos can be shared safely with the people you wish to, and also store your personal data without worrying about being hacked by the strangers. By choosing the private setting, you may upload and schedule the date and time when a video can be made public on YouTube. It helps in saving storage space on your phone.

Takeaway: A private YouTube video is only available to YouTube users that you invite to view it.

3. What are Public Youtube Videos

The Public setting in the YouTube video is a default setting which allows everyone to see the video you post. When you want your video to appear in the search engine results and want more and more viewers and traffic on your video, you can keep the Public default setting on.

What Public YouTube Videos Can Do

Do you wish to grow your brand awareness? Select the Public default setting as it is the best way to do it. You may use the Public setting in any of these situations below:

  • Having a video sharing business like explainer videos, product reviews, commercials, etc. with customers or prospective viewers
  • Targeting at earning money through YouTube videos
  • Looking forward to the growing personal brand by a YouTuber
  • Looking for more and more subscribers on YouTube

But, you must remember that once you post the video, it will be available for everyone throughout the world on YouTube. Even if you decide to change the settings or delete the video, later on, you will be subjected to judgment, professionally and personally. While posting a video with Public setting, you must have an answer to questions like-

  • Shall the senior or your boss see this video?
  • Can your job prospect hamper with this video?
  • Does the video contain harassing or offensive content?
  • Can your friends ridicule you after seeing the video content?

If all the questions are answered in YES… then it is better to think hard and long before uploading the video content with Public setting on YouTube. You may upload the content with unlisted or private settings.

Takeaway: If you make a video public, anyone will be able to find and watch it. When uploading a video using default settings through YouTube, it will always default to being a public video.

Below is a brief comparison table about the differences among YouTube Unlisted, Private and Public video settings.

Feature Unlisted Private Public
Can I share video URL to friends? Yes No Yes
Can I add video to YouTube channel? Yes No Yes
Can I shows up video in YouTube platform? No No Yes
Can I post video on my channel? No No Yes
Can I leave a comment? Yes No Yes
Can I see it in landing page? Yes No Yes
Do People need an account to watch it? No No Yes

Part 2: How to Make an Unlisted YouTube Video

Follow the below-mentioned steps to make an unlisted YouTube video -

  • Log in to your YouTube channel
  • In the top right corner, click the add video button
  • Find the drop-down menu and choose Upload Video
  • Select the setting by clicking on Public and a drop-down menu appears to unlisted
  • Search the instruction select files to upload your video
  • When you start uploading your video, a message box appears, Click Public on the right side corner and select unlisted from the drop-down menu
  • Once you have selected unlisted, click Done in the top right corner and your video is published

Part 3: How to Share Your Unlisted Video

If you wish to share the unlisted video , just share the published video link with anyone you wish to share. A Google account is not required to see the video. So, if the person you shared the link with is not logged in to his Google account, still the video can be viewed. The people who have the link to your video can also share and re-share the link in a number of ways. It can be shared on the social media or just forwarded amongst their friends. But, if you don’t want your friends to re-share it, change the settings to Private.

You can see a message showing “this video is unlisted” on YouTube when you want to share someone else’s unlisted video on social platforms. Think before you consider sharing an unlisted video.


Now, that you clearly know what does unlisted mean on YouTube, consider the option while uploading a video. It helps in retaining the privacy of your video.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Whether personal or professional purposes, YouTube is a great platform for sharing videos but, there are times, when you don’t wish to share it with each and everyone across the globe. The YouTube unlisted meaning is a video which can be viewed only by the users having the link to it. At the back of your mind, you may be wondering how safe an unlisted video is. Let’s learn in detail what does unlisted mean on YouTube.

Wondershare Filmora video editor is one of the most widely used video editing software for YouTubers, it makes the video editing simplified with the pre-programmed effects and templates. You can download the free trial version to check.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

Part 1: What Does Unlisted Video Mean on YouTube

The YouTube unlisted meaning is that your video will neither come up in the search results nor on your channel. Only the users who have the link to the video can view it. The link can be shared with anyone and everyone, even with the users who do not have a YouTube account. Many people don’t know the difference between private and unlisted YouTube videos . In order to understand what does unlisted mean on YouTube in a detailed way, let’s dive deeper into it and know the difference between public videos, unlisted videos, and private videos.

1. What is Unlisted YouTube Video

Between private and public, you can find the unlisted videos. What does unlisted mean on YouTube? An unlisted video does not appear in the search results, suggestions or video tab. If you unlist a new video, your subscribers won’t receive any notification informing about it. You can share an unlisted video with the people you wish to share and the users having a link to the video can see it. It can also be viewed by the friend of friends if they share the link with their friends.

The unlisted videos are treated like public videos by YouTube. This means that you cannot use the copyright audio or video and it will be reviewed by the YouTube team if other users flag it as inappropriate content within a timeframe of 24-hours .

Unlisted YouTube Video

What Unlisted YouTube Videos Can Do

The unlisted videos can be shared with family and friends. If you are conducting a webinar and wish to share the video with only the registered users, an unlisted video can be used. You may also use the unlisted video for giving access to the people who embedded it while cleaning the YouTube page. For getting feedback from closed groups for market research or to share online resume link for job applications, the unlisted videos can be of great help.

Takeaway: Unlisted videos are a great way to share personal videos with just your family and friends, or to get feedback from people you trust on videos before you decide whether to make them public.

2. What is Private YouTube Video

The videos that do not appear in the recommendations, search options in YouTube or in your tab are the private videos. When you select the private setting for a video, the subscribers don’t get a notification. The private videos can be seen only by the uploader and the mentioned Google accounts. It is not available for friends of friends which mean if you share a private video with a friend, only that person can see it. If your friend shares it with someone, it won’t be visible to others. If anyone wishes to view a private video, the person has to request permission to view to the uploader.

Private YouTube Video

What Private Youtube Videos Can Do

By using private YouTube videos, the internal company information can be kept confidential, the family videos can be shared safely with the people you wish to, and also store your personal data without worrying about being hacked by the strangers. By choosing the private setting, you may upload and schedule the date and time when a video can be made public on YouTube. It helps in saving storage space on your phone.

Takeaway: A private YouTube video is only available to YouTube users that you invite to view it.

3. What are Public Youtube Videos

The Public setting in the YouTube video is a default setting which allows everyone to see the video you post. When you want your video to appear in the search engine results and want more and more viewers and traffic on your video, you can keep the Public default setting on.

What Public YouTube Videos Can Do

Do you wish to grow your brand awareness? Select the Public default setting as it is the best way to do it. You may use the Public setting in any of these situations below:

  • Having a video sharing business like explainer videos, product reviews, commercials, etc. with customers or prospective viewers
  • Targeting at earning money through YouTube videos
  • Looking forward to the growing personal brand by a YouTuber
  • Looking for more and more subscribers on YouTube

But, you must remember that once you post the video, it will be available for everyone throughout the world on YouTube. Even if you decide to change the settings or delete the video, later on, you will be subjected to judgment, professionally and personally. While posting a video with Public setting, you must have an answer to questions like-

  • Shall the senior or your boss see this video?
  • Can your job prospect hamper with this video?
  • Does the video contain harassing or offensive content?
  • Can your friends ridicule you after seeing the video content?

If all the questions are answered in YES… then it is better to think hard and long before uploading the video content with Public setting on YouTube. You may upload the content with unlisted or private settings.

Takeaway: If you make a video public, anyone will be able to find and watch it. When uploading a video using default settings through YouTube, it will always default to being a public video.

Below is a brief comparison table about the differences among YouTube Unlisted, Private and Public video settings.

Feature Unlisted Private Public
Can I share video URL to friends? Yes No Yes
Can I add video to YouTube channel? Yes No Yes
Can I shows up video in YouTube platform? No No Yes
Can I post video on my channel? No No Yes
Can I leave a comment? Yes No Yes
Can I see it in landing page? Yes No Yes
Do People need an account to watch it? No No Yes

Part 2: How to Make an Unlisted YouTube Video

Follow the below-mentioned steps to make an unlisted YouTube video -

  • Log in to your YouTube channel
  • In the top right corner, click the add video button
  • Find the drop-down menu and choose Upload Video
  • Select the setting by clicking on Public and a drop-down menu appears to unlisted
  • Search the instruction select files to upload your video
  • When you start uploading your video, a message box appears, Click Public on the right side corner and select unlisted from the drop-down menu
  • Once you have selected unlisted, click Done in the top right corner and your video is published

Part 3: How to Share Your Unlisted Video

If you wish to share the unlisted video , just share the published video link with anyone you wish to share. A Google account is not required to see the video. So, if the person you shared the link with is not logged in to his Google account, still the video can be viewed. The people who have the link to your video can also share and re-share the link in a number of ways. It can be shared on the social media or just forwarded amongst their friends. But, if you don’t want your friends to re-share it, change the settings to Private.

You can see a message showing “this video is unlisted” on YouTube when you want to share someone else’s unlisted video on social platforms. Think before you consider sharing an unlisted video.


Now, that you clearly know what does unlisted mean on YouTube, consider the option while uploading a video. It helps in retaining the privacy of your video.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Whether personal or professional purposes, YouTube is a great platform for sharing videos but, there are times, when you don’t wish to share it with each and everyone across the globe. The YouTube unlisted meaning is a video which can be viewed only by the users having the link to it. At the back of your mind, you may be wondering how safe an unlisted video is. Let’s learn in detail what does unlisted mean on YouTube.

Wondershare Filmora video editor is one of the most widely used video editing software for YouTubers, it makes the video editing simplified with the pre-programmed effects and templates. You can download the free trial version to check.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

Part 1: What Does Unlisted Video Mean on YouTube

The YouTube unlisted meaning is that your video will neither come up in the search results nor on your channel. Only the users who have the link to the video can view it. The link can be shared with anyone and everyone, even with the users who do not have a YouTube account. Many people don’t know the difference between private and unlisted YouTube videos . In order to understand what does unlisted mean on YouTube in a detailed way, let’s dive deeper into it and know the difference between public videos, unlisted videos, and private videos.

1. What is Unlisted YouTube Video

Between private and public, you can find the unlisted videos. What does unlisted mean on YouTube? An unlisted video does not appear in the search results, suggestions or video tab. If you unlist a new video, your subscribers won’t receive any notification informing about it. You can share an unlisted video with the people you wish to share and the users having a link to the video can see it. It can also be viewed by the friend of friends if they share the link with their friends.

The unlisted videos are treated like public videos by YouTube. This means that you cannot use the copyright audio or video and it will be reviewed by the YouTube team if other users flag it as inappropriate content within a timeframe of 24-hours .

Unlisted YouTube Video

What Unlisted YouTube Videos Can Do

The unlisted videos can be shared with family and friends. If you are conducting a webinar and wish to share the video with only the registered users, an unlisted video can be used. You may also use the unlisted video for giving access to the people who embedded it while cleaning the YouTube page. For getting feedback from closed groups for market research or to share online resume link for job applications, the unlisted videos can be of great help.

Takeaway: Unlisted videos are a great way to share personal videos with just your family and friends, or to get feedback from people you trust on videos before you decide whether to make them public.

2. What is Private YouTube Video

The videos that do not appear in the recommendations, search options in YouTube or in your tab are the private videos. When you select the private setting for a video, the subscribers don’t get a notification. The private videos can be seen only by the uploader and the mentioned Google accounts. It is not available for friends of friends which mean if you share a private video with a friend, only that person can see it. If your friend shares it with someone, it won’t be visible to others. If anyone wishes to view a private video, the person has to request permission to view to the uploader.

Private YouTube Video

What Private Youtube Videos Can Do

By using private YouTube videos, the internal company information can be kept confidential, the family videos can be shared safely with the people you wish to, and also store your personal data without worrying about being hacked by the strangers. By choosing the private setting, you may upload and schedule the date and time when a video can be made public on YouTube. It helps in saving storage space on your phone.

Takeaway: A private YouTube video is only available to YouTube users that you invite to view it.

3. What are Public Youtube Videos

The Public setting in the YouTube video is a default setting which allows everyone to see the video you post. When you want your video to appear in the search engine results and want more and more viewers and traffic on your video, you can keep the Public default setting on.

What Public YouTube Videos Can Do

Do you wish to grow your brand awareness? Select the Public default setting as it is the best way to do it. You may use the Public setting in any of these situations below:

  • Having a video sharing business like explainer videos, product reviews, commercials, etc. with customers or prospective viewers
  • Targeting at earning money through YouTube videos
  • Looking forward to the growing personal brand by a YouTuber
  • Looking for more and more subscribers on YouTube

But, you must remember that once you post the video, it will be available for everyone throughout the world on YouTube. Even if you decide to change the settings or delete the video, later on, you will be subjected to judgment, professionally and personally. While posting a video with Public setting, you must have an answer to questions like-

  • Shall the senior or your boss see this video?
  • Can your job prospect hamper with this video?
  • Does the video contain harassing or offensive content?
  • Can your friends ridicule you after seeing the video content?

If all the questions are answered in YES… then it is better to think hard and long before uploading the video content with Public setting on YouTube. You may upload the content with unlisted or private settings.

Takeaway: If you make a video public, anyone will be able to find and watch it. When uploading a video using default settings through YouTube, it will always default to being a public video.

Below is a brief comparison table about the differences among YouTube Unlisted, Private and Public video settings.

Feature Unlisted Private Public
Can I share video URL to friends? Yes No Yes
Can I add video to YouTube channel? Yes No Yes
Can I shows up video in YouTube platform? No No Yes
Can I post video on my channel? No No Yes
Can I leave a comment? Yes No Yes
Can I see it in landing page? Yes No Yes
Do People need an account to watch it? No No Yes

Part 2: How to Make an Unlisted YouTube Video

Follow the below-mentioned steps to make an unlisted YouTube video -

  • Log in to your YouTube channel
  • In the top right corner, click the add video button
  • Find the drop-down menu and choose Upload Video
  • Select the setting by clicking on Public and a drop-down menu appears to unlisted
  • Search the instruction select files to upload your video
  • When you start uploading your video, a message box appears, Click Public on the right side corner and select unlisted from the drop-down menu
  • Once you have selected unlisted, click Done in the top right corner and your video is published

Part 3: How to Share Your Unlisted Video

If you wish to share the unlisted video , just share the published video link with anyone you wish to share. A Google account is not required to see the video. So, if the person you shared the link with is not logged in to his Google account, still the video can be viewed. The people who have the link to your video can also share and re-share the link in a number of ways. It can be shared on the social media or just forwarded amongst their friends. But, if you don’t want your friends to re-share it, change the settings to Private.

You can see a message showing “this video is unlisted” on YouTube when you want to share someone else’s unlisted video on social platforms. Think before you consider sharing an unlisted video.


Now, that you clearly know what does unlisted mean on YouTube, consider the option while uploading a video. It helps in retaining the privacy of your video.

author avatar

Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

Whether personal or professional purposes, YouTube is a great platform for sharing videos but, there are times, when you don’t wish to share it with each and everyone across the globe. The YouTube unlisted meaning is a video which can be viewed only by the users having the link to it. At the back of your mind, you may be wondering how safe an unlisted video is. Let’s learn in detail what does unlisted mean on YouTube.

Wondershare Filmora video editor is one of the most widely used video editing software for YouTubers, it makes the video editing simplified with the pre-programmed effects and templates. You can download the free trial version to check.

Download Filmora9 Win Version Download Filmora9 Mac Version

Part 1: What Does Unlisted Video Mean on YouTube

The YouTube unlisted meaning is that your video will neither come up in the search results nor on your channel. Only the users who have the link to the video can view it. The link can be shared with anyone and everyone, even with the users who do not have a YouTube account. Many people don’t know the difference between private and unlisted YouTube videos . In order to understand what does unlisted mean on YouTube in a detailed way, let’s dive deeper into it and know the difference between public videos, unlisted videos, and private videos.

1. What is Unlisted YouTube Video

Between private and public, you can find the unlisted videos. What does unlisted mean on YouTube? An unlisted video does not appear in the search results, suggestions or video tab. If you unlist a new video, your subscribers won’t receive any notification informing about it. You can share an unlisted video with the people you wish to share and the users having a link to the video can see it. It can also be viewed by the friend of friends if they share the link with their friends.

The unlisted videos are treated like public videos by YouTube. This means that you cannot use the copyright audio or video and it will be reviewed by the YouTube team if other users flag it as inappropriate content within a timeframe of 24-hours .

Unlisted YouTube Video

What Unlisted YouTube Videos Can Do

The unlisted videos can be shared with family and friends. If you are conducting a webinar and wish to share the video with only the registered users, an unlisted video can be used. You may also use the unlisted video for giving access to the people who embedded it while cleaning the YouTube page. For getting feedback from closed groups for market research or to share online resume link for job applications, the unlisted videos can be of great help.

Takeaway: Unlisted videos are a great way to share personal videos with just your family and friends, or to get feedback from people you trust on videos before you decide whether to make them public.

2. What is Private YouTube Video

The videos that do not appear in the recommendations, search options in YouTube or in your tab are the private videos. When you select the private setting for a video, the subscribers don’t get a notification. The private videos can be seen only by the uploader and the mentioned Google accounts. It is not available for friends of friends which mean if you share a private video with a friend, only that person can see it. If your friend shares it with someone, it won’t be visible to others. If anyone wishes to view a private video, the person has to request permission to view to the uploader.

Private YouTube Video

What Private Youtube Videos Can Do

By using private YouTube videos, the internal company information can be kept confidential, the family videos can be shared safely with the people you wish to, and also store your personal data without worrying about being hacked by the strangers. By choosing the private setting, you may upload and schedule the date and time when a video can be made public on YouTube. It helps in saving storage space on your phone.

Takeaway: A private YouTube video is only available to YouTube users that you invite to view it.

3. What are Public Youtube Videos

The Public setting in the YouTube video is a default setting which allows everyone to see the video you post. When you want your video to appear in the search engine results and want more and more viewers and traffic on your video, you can keep the Public default setting on.

What Public YouTube Videos Can Do

Do you wish to grow your brand awareness? Select the Public default setting as it is the best way to do it. You may use the Public setting in any of these situations below:

  • Having a video sharing business like explainer videos, product reviews, commercials, etc. with customers or prospective viewers
  • Targeting at earning money through YouTube videos
  • Looking forward to the growing personal brand by a YouTuber
  • Looking for more and more subscribers on YouTube

But, you must remember that once you post the video, it will be available for everyone throughout the world on YouTube. Even if you decide to change the settings or delete the video, later on, you will be subjected to judgment, professionally and personally. While posting a video with Public setting, you must have an answer to questions like-

  • Shall the senior or your boss see this video?
  • Can your job prospect hamper with this video?
  • Does the video contain harassing or offensive content?
  • Can your friends ridicule you after seeing the video content?

If all the questions are answered in YES… then it is better to think hard and long before uploading the video content with Public setting on YouTube. You may upload the content with unlisted or private settings.

Takeaway: If you make a video public, anyone will be able to find and watch it. When uploading a video using default settings through YouTube, it will always default to being a public video.

Below is a brief comparison table about the differences among YouTube Unlisted, Private and Public video settings.

Feature Unlisted Private Public
Can I share video URL to friends? Yes No Yes
Can I add video to YouTube channel? Yes No Yes
Can I shows up video in YouTube platform? No No Yes
Can I post video on my channel? No No Yes
Can I leave a comment? Yes No Yes
Can I see it in landing page? Yes No Yes
Do People need an account to watch it? No No Yes

Part 2: How to Make an Unlisted YouTube Video

Follow the below-mentioned steps to make an unlisted YouTube video -

  • Log in to your YouTube channel
  • In the top right corner, click the add video button
  • Find the drop-down menu and choose Upload Video
  • Select the setting by clicking on Public and a drop-down menu appears to unlisted
  • Search the instruction select files to upload your video
  • When you start uploading your video, a message box appears, Click Public on the right side corner and select unlisted from the drop-down menu
  • Once you have selected unlisted, click Done in the top right corner and your video is published

Part 3: How to Share Your Unlisted Video

If you wish to share the unlisted video , just share the published video link with anyone you wish to share. A Google account is not required to see the video. So, if the person you shared the link with is not logged in to his Google account, still the video can be viewed. The people who have the link to your video can also share and re-share the link in a number of ways. It can be shared on the social media or just forwarded amongst their friends. But, if you don’t want your friends to re-share it, change the settings to Private.

You can see a message showing “this video is unlisted” on YouTube when you want to share someone else’s unlisted video on social platforms. Think before you consider sharing an unlisted video.


Now, that you clearly know what does unlisted mean on YouTube, consider the option while uploading a video. It helps in retaining the privacy of your video.

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Richard Bennett

Richard Bennett is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Richard Bennett

Also read:

  • Title: DIY Templates for Affordable YouTube Intros
  • Author: Steven
  • Created at : 2024-05-25 19:08:31
  • Updated at : 2024-05-26 19:08:31
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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DIY Templates for Affordable YouTube Intros