"2024 Approved  Achieve Unprecedented Image Quality via AV1 on YouTube"

"2024 Approved Achieve Unprecedented Image Quality via AV1 on YouTube"

Steven Lv12

Achieve Unprecedented Image Quality via AV1 on YouTube

Do you notice that many YouTube videos have been streamed in AV1? YouTube AV1 just happened suddenly a few years ago. This article will inform you about all the things you want to know about AV1 Youtube settings. I will let you know the tutorial to turn in AV1 settings on YouTube and the reason why should choose AV1 along with the others, and some more things about AV1.

av1 logo

Part 1: How to turn on AV1 settings on YouTube?

Do you wonder how to turn on AV1 settings on YouTube? For your information, AV1 is a video codec that is developed by a consortium of companies. It offers you advanced compression, enabling you to do smoother HD streaming and data savings for the video. Google also has already implemented AV1 use on YouTube. To turn on AV1 settings on YouTube, here are the steps:

Step1Go to playback and performance

youtube settings

  • To turn on the AV1 settings, go to your YouTube account, after that click “Playback and Performance”.
  • In the AV1 settings. Besides “Auto (Recommended)”, there are other two options, which are “Prefer AV1 for SD” and also “Always prefer SD”.
  • “Always Prefer AV1” uses the codec whenever it is available for a video while “Prefer AV1 for SD” limits it to SD videos. There are two options to avoid low-performance devices when AV1 videos are played on YouTube. You can select “Always Prefer AV1” to see if your device performance is good enough when you play videos on YouTube that support AV1.
Step2Test if the AV1 settings are already enabled in your video

av1 settings

You may ask how to confirm your YouTube videos are playing with AV1 Codec. Well, you can search playlist on YouTube with the keywords “4K, 5K, and 8K videos with the new AV1 Codec “. You can test it by playing one of the videos. You have to right-click on the media player and then select “Stats for nerd”. If it shows the av01 codec there, then the AV1 settings are enabled already.

Part 2: Why choose AV1 over VP9 and other formats?

Now, do you need a reason why you should choose AV1 compared to VP9 and the others? As you know, there is also another video codec like VP9. There are also the others such as VVC, and many more. So what is the superiority of AV1 over the others? I will let you know why you should choose AV1 in this part.

The main thing is, as mentioned before, AV1 is developed by a consortium of companies founded in 2015. It is supported by The Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia) such as Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Netflix, and also by web browser developers and semiconductor firms. Aomedia made it clear the algorithm is free-to-use. It means that there are no greedy negotiators that will be dependent on the developers.

giant techs behind av1

Also, these days, with a format that provides a much smaller workload for internet providers. Their today focus is, that AV1 can reach the quality but can get the job done with 20% more efficiency. Then, with AV1 encoding, a “standard” 4K movie will be much more accessible than it is now. These are some more reasons why you should choose AV1.

1. Royalty-free

As mentioned before, AV1 is royalty-free. AV1 is such a next-generation of royalty video codec. It means that it is not just free to use, but also free of charge, obligations, or even liability. It is an open and royalty-free video codec that the video platform will not charge to pay royalties to the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), the developer of video codecs.

av1 is royalty-free

When it comes to the group that will ask for the royalty, MPEG is not the only one. There are also other patent groups and companies that can ask for it. Aomedia integrated Google, Mozilla, and Cisco, while they were busy creating their new video codec. However, the three companies joined together to create one codec to beat them all.

2. Better performance

It is said that the AV1 codec is 30% more efficient. According to the tests conducted by Moscow State University, AV1 can outperform AV1 by about 28% in the efficiency of encoding and decoding. As per the performance graph from the Graphics & Media Lab Video Group, MSU below, AV1 can offer the exactly same quality as X264 at 55% of the average bitrate.

av1 benefit

AV1 is designed so exclusively to function better than all the other codecs in the market. It is an open-sourced codec with simple patent licensing, and the integration manages to save, as mentioned, up to 30% of the bandwidth for the exactly same image quality. In other words, with AV1, distributors can send streams much faster and cheaper and we can enjoy higher definitions in the same bandwidth.

3. AV2 to come in the future

AV1 is undoubtedly superior if we compare it to other available video codecs and the exploration of the codec technology AV2 has already begun. This is such an early performance evaluation. There is some interesting part of the exploration development of AV2, such as multiple line selection for Intra prediction can make you select not just neighboring row/column for directional prediction. The same tool also exists in VVC.

There are also three essential improvements, which are simplifying the existing feature (also complete removal) and picking the tool used by VVC/H.266 (It is lack originality but so much work on it) and improvement periodically improvement of an existing tool, it is too few and also not original. We haven’t known yet when AV2 will be done completely though, maybe there still be some more essential improvements.

Part 3: What’s the best video editor for YouTubers with AV1 format?

When we talk about YouTube, it feels incomplete if we don’t talk about the video editor. So, what is the best video editing software for YouTubers with AV1 format? Yes, it is Filmora . It is such a great video editing software that allows you to import and edit many video file formats. Filmora also allows users to export AV1 MP4 format video and then can directly upload it to YouTube.

filmora logo

Filmora gives some ways to export your videos. Here are the five ways. You can also customize the export settings then you can save them to reuse the same settings next time. The first is you can export your project file and video to the local computer. It supports export as MP4, AVI, WMV, AV1, MOV, GoPro Cineform, F4V, MKV, TS, and 3GP.

After that, you can export your video to any device you want, such as iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple TV 4K, iPod, Samsung Galaxy, Smart Phone, Android Generic, Google Pixel, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PSP, and Smart TV. Then you can upload it to YouTube, Filmora provides you to export your video to Youtube directly. All you need to do is logging your Youtube account and export.

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Part 4: FAQ: Does YouTube use AV1 or VP9?

For today, YouTube encodes all the videos with the VP9 codec, but for some reason displays for low view count videos. AV1 usage also had been pushed to very low view counts. When it comes to cost or quality tradeoffs, AV1 took about 18 times longer to encode than x264.

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Part 4: FAQ: Does YouTube use AV1 or VP9?

For today, YouTube encodes all the videos with the VP9 codec, but for some reason displays for low view count videos. AV1 usage also had been pushed to very low view counts. When it comes to cost or quality tradeoffs, AV1 took about 18 times longer to encode than x264.

Elevate Your Hiring Game with the Best Vids in Town

Get Inspired from Top 10 Recruitment Videos

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Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

“In recruiting, there are no bad or good experiences, just learning experiences!” – Anonymous

Recruitment Videos

Nowadays, videos are the engaging and most preferred method not to tell, but to show. Yes, we are talking about those awesome recruitment videos. It would be super smart, easy, and memorable to attract new talent via videos. Check any of the recruitment videos, and you can admire how beautiful, informative, and attractive those videos are. A sense of authenticity shows by presenting a genuine understanding of the workplace, the company’s culture, and employees’ perspectives. Even if you want to flaunt employees, there’s no best choice than recruiting videos. Fortunately, all such videos find their posting place on YouTube, the most viewed social media. It is excellent for effective targeting.

Want to know more about recruitment videos? Dive into the article until the end, as we have discussed various other interesting aspects related to the concept. Let’s start by discussing the essential elements of 10 inspiring recruiting videos!

Best 10 Recruitment Videos

Here’s a rundown of our shortlisted ones in no particular order.

1. GrubHub

As we all know that food is the only way to live! Well, creative cooking is more of a thing, especially when combined with the company’s mission. The company asks, “What do you bring to the table?” as the most critical question in the employees’ interview. It opens up the company and employees’ opportunity to share their team contribution and fulfill the company’s goals.

2. Bluecore

The solution to a successful career is a better team collaboration and the ability to own projects independently. It’s a recruitment video with a super-attractive intro line that says, ‘Bluecore is the twistiest, trendiest, the best ride you will take in your career.’ Then, it covers all the required information that a candidate looks for in a company. It beautifully shows all the values and mission backed by employee testimonials.

3. HubSpot

HubSpot is a developer and marketer of high-quality software products for ultimate sale and inbound marketing. Their so-called ‘Culture Code’ is represented in the recruitment video. The dominant cultural and organizational environment is what they want to show, no matter what. There is a ‘no-door’ policy where nobody, even the executives, has no office. They have also stated the employees’ perks and unlimited vacation days.

4. Listrak

Listrak is a retail digital marketing automation platform for various DM services. They made a kind of cool recruitment video showing the busy, creative, and desired work environment. The video itself shows the company values and overall work environment, from feeling to eating as well. After watching the footage, everyone would love to feel refreshed. It looks like more of a next-level experience to work at Listrak.

5. Hillsboro Police

Would you love to see entertaining and quirky videos? Here’s a fascinating recruiting video by Hillsboro Police. It works well because it is an over-the-top and incredible video from a police department. The funny and downright element helps to check the insights of the police force more closely. Well, Hillsboro is one of the best among unique companies located in Hillsboro, Oregon.

6. Enova

Enova’s recruitment video presents all those candidates who would love to hear from a company. It further encourages employees to explore various support systems and interests in the evolving career path. The testimonials also shared for employees are with multiple roles and benefits in the company. The so-called team integration and collaborative work environment are well visible through Enova.

7. HomeAway

Life at HomeAway presents a series of recruitment videos while also showing their boomerang employees. The advantage taken is via sharing their stories and also documenting special events. They have stated their special events such as Movember celebrations, annual Battle of the Bands competition, and Bring your Kids to Work Day, etc. It’s an international company with various branches across the globe. It is the reason they have to make separate interview videos for each office.

8. Outcome Health

The motto ‘Activate Good’ indicates in the “Outcome Health’s” recruitment video. It shares a unique story of a passionate employee about giving back and providing opportunities to excel in their career path. No matter what your interest is, the Outcome Health will let you know how to achieve those dreams by positively incorporating a health factor into life. It is one of the many stories to help local non-profits and employees’ partners give something valuable to the community.

9. Trendkite

The video title is quite refreshing that says, ‘Inside Look at Trendkite’s Culture.’ It boasts a lot of enticing and funny benefits such as free food, hoverboards, and energetic, passionate, and initiative takers as a hiring team. They effectively balance the work environment and fun with colleagues in the workspace. They have also stated their core value as ‘One-Team,’ celebrating both team and individual wins no matter how versatile.

10. Quirky

The interns at Quirky have many other responsibilities than just filing papers and getting coffee out from there. The video specifies all the departmental kind of information and internship candidates you should hire. This recruitment video also encourages submitting video interview and further provides specific instructions on application submission. It shows the most lovely internship environment every intern would ever want.

Tips for Creating Awesome Recruitment Videos after Covid-19

It looks like that Covid-19 has changed the face of recruitment overnight. Due to uncertainty in every industry, the effect on recruitment would be no different. The pandemic has shifted a significant workforce in the specific ways that we haven’t anticipated. The recommended solution to social distancing places every work environment either at home or in a remote area. Companies are being encouraged to make recruitment videos and post them online. It also speeds up the hiring time while also giving the option of video interviewing.

Let’s learn some useful tips by which your recruitment videos stand out.

Include only the right people

Showing just the CEO or Founder of the company will not be helpful to make an awesome recruitment video. That’s not the ideal presentation of experience for the candidates. Show them what they want to see, including the employees and overall work environment.

Make multiple videos and keep them brief

You must make small video shots and then combine them with competent video editing software . It would be great to make little videos targeting various kinds of audiences. The next tip is to keep the overall recruitment video short between 2 to 4 minutes only.

Use an excellent video editor

Simply creating a video is not enough unless you know to edit it correctly. We recommend Wondershare Fimora9 video editor for beautiful editing features. It consists of lots of new functions, including advanced editing options as well. None of the recruitment videos is posted online without editing.

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Include a CTA (Call to Action)

Don’t make a video like a lost opportunity. Instead, you should make it a grabbing chance. Have some call-to-action directing a viewer to somewhere valuable. You can even put a link to a landing page on the career site of the company.

Extensively promote

Use various kinds of promotion tools and platforms to publish your videos. You can post them on Facebook, YouTube, and well-recognized promotion platforms and attract talented clients. Include the link of those videos in each of your job descriptions. Additionally, you can share such videos with Linkedin and Glassdoor.

Include the necessary information

Apart from presenting just the physical environment, you must also share the necessary information for the company. Sometimes, the creator forgets to state the required information in the desire for complicated info. But that’s not the solution if you have missed the basics.


So, this is all about inspiring recruitment videos! We have included all the required information on the concept and the best ten recruiting videos. Reading the post would also help you make amazing recruiting videos that stand out and prove to be action-oriented.

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Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

“In recruiting, there are no bad or good experiences, just learning experiences!” – Anonymous

Recruitment Videos

Nowadays, videos are the engaging and most preferred method not to tell, but to show. Yes, we are talking about those awesome recruitment videos. It would be super smart, easy, and memorable to attract new talent via videos. Check any of the recruitment videos, and you can admire how beautiful, informative, and attractive those videos are. A sense of authenticity shows by presenting a genuine understanding of the workplace, the company’s culture, and employees’ perspectives. Even if you want to flaunt employees, there’s no best choice than recruiting videos. Fortunately, all such videos find their posting place on YouTube, the most viewed social media. It is excellent for effective targeting.

Want to know more about recruitment videos? Dive into the article until the end, as we have discussed various other interesting aspects related to the concept. Let’s start by discussing the essential elements of 10 inspiring recruiting videos!

Best 10 Recruitment Videos

Here’s a rundown of our shortlisted ones in no particular order.

1. GrubHub

As we all know that food is the only way to live! Well, creative cooking is more of a thing, especially when combined with the company’s mission. The company asks, “What do you bring to the table?” as the most critical question in the employees’ interview. It opens up the company and employees’ opportunity to share their team contribution and fulfill the company’s goals.

2. Bluecore

The solution to a successful career is a better team collaboration and the ability to own projects independently. It’s a recruitment video with a super-attractive intro line that says, ‘Bluecore is the twistiest, trendiest, the best ride you will take in your career.’ Then, it covers all the required information that a candidate looks for in a company. It beautifully shows all the values and mission backed by employee testimonials.

3. HubSpot

HubSpot is a developer and marketer of high-quality software products for ultimate sale and inbound marketing. Their so-called ‘Culture Code’ is represented in the recruitment video. The dominant cultural and organizational environment is what they want to show, no matter what. There is a ‘no-door’ policy where nobody, even the executives, has no office. They have also stated the employees’ perks and unlimited vacation days.

4. Listrak

Listrak is a retail digital marketing automation platform for various DM services. They made a kind of cool recruitment video showing the busy, creative, and desired work environment. The video itself shows the company values and overall work environment, from feeling to eating as well. After watching the footage, everyone would love to feel refreshed. It looks like more of a next-level experience to work at Listrak.

5. Hillsboro Police

Would you love to see entertaining and quirky videos? Here’s a fascinating recruiting video by Hillsboro Police. It works well because it is an over-the-top and incredible video from a police department. The funny and downright element helps to check the insights of the police force more closely. Well, Hillsboro is one of the best among unique companies located in Hillsboro, Oregon.

6. Enova

Enova’s recruitment video presents all those candidates who would love to hear from a company. It further encourages employees to explore various support systems and interests in the evolving career path. The testimonials also shared for employees are with multiple roles and benefits in the company. The so-called team integration and collaborative work environment are well visible through Enova.

7. HomeAway

Life at HomeAway presents a series of recruitment videos while also showing their boomerang employees. The advantage taken is via sharing their stories and also documenting special events. They have stated their special events such as Movember celebrations, annual Battle of the Bands competition, and Bring your Kids to Work Day, etc. It’s an international company with various branches across the globe. It is the reason they have to make separate interview videos for each office.

8. Outcome Health

The motto ‘Activate Good’ indicates in the “Outcome Health’s” recruitment video. It shares a unique story of a passionate employee about giving back and providing opportunities to excel in their career path. No matter what your interest is, the Outcome Health will let you know how to achieve those dreams by positively incorporating a health factor into life. It is one of the many stories to help local non-profits and employees’ partners give something valuable to the community.

9. Trendkite

The video title is quite refreshing that says, ‘Inside Look at Trendkite’s Culture.’ It boasts a lot of enticing and funny benefits such as free food, hoverboards, and energetic, passionate, and initiative takers as a hiring team. They effectively balance the work environment and fun with colleagues in the workspace. They have also stated their core value as ‘One-Team,’ celebrating both team and individual wins no matter how versatile.

10. Quirky

The interns at Quirky have many other responsibilities than just filing papers and getting coffee out from there. The video specifies all the departmental kind of information and internship candidates you should hire. This recruitment video also encourages submitting video interview and further provides specific instructions on application submission. It shows the most lovely internship environment every intern would ever want.

Tips for Creating Awesome Recruitment Videos after Covid-19

It looks like that Covid-19 has changed the face of recruitment overnight. Due to uncertainty in every industry, the effect on recruitment would be no different. The pandemic has shifted a significant workforce in the specific ways that we haven’t anticipated. The recommended solution to social distancing places every work environment either at home or in a remote area. Companies are being encouraged to make recruitment videos and post them online. It also speeds up the hiring time while also giving the option of video interviewing.

Let’s learn some useful tips by which your recruitment videos stand out.

Include only the right people

Showing just the CEO or Founder of the company will not be helpful to make an awesome recruitment video. That’s not the ideal presentation of experience for the candidates. Show them what they want to see, including the employees and overall work environment.

Make multiple videos and keep them brief

You must make small video shots and then combine them with competent video editing software . It would be great to make little videos targeting various kinds of audiences. The next tip is to keep the overall recruitment video short between 2 to 4 minutes only.

Use an excellent video editor

Simply creating a video is not enough unless you know to edit it correctly. We recommend Wondershare Fimora9 video editor for beautiful editing features. It consists of lots of new functions, including advanced editing options as well. None of the recruitment videos is posted online without editing.

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Include a CTA (Call to Action)

Don’t make a video like a lost opportunity. Instead, you should make it a grabbing chance. Have some call-to-action directing a viewer to somewhere valuable. You can even put a link to a landing page on the career site of the company.

Extensively promote

Use various kinds of promotion tools and platforms to publish your videos. You can post them on Facebook, YouTube, and well-recognized promotion platforms and attract talented clients. Include the link of those videos in each of your job descriptions. Additionally, you can share such videos with Linkedin and Glassdoor.

Include the necessary information

Apart from presenting just the physical environment, you must also share the necessary information for the company. Sometimes, the creator forgets to state the required information in the desire for complicated info. But that’s not the solution if you have missed the basics.


So, this is all about inspiring recruitment videos! We have included all the required information on the concept and the best ten recruiting videos. Reading the post would also help you make amazing recruiting videos that stand out and prove to be action-oriented.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

“In recruiting, there are no bad or good experiences, just learning experiences!” – Anonymous

Recruitment Videos

Nowadays, videos are the engaging and most preferred method not to tell, but to show. Yes, we are talking about those awesome recruitment videos. It would be super smart, easy, and memorable to attract new talent via videos. Check any of the recruitment videos, and you can admire how beautiful, informative, and attractive those videos are. A sense of authenticity shows by presenting a genuine understanding of the workplace, the company’s culture, and employees’ perspectives. Even if you want to flaunt employees, there’s no best choice than recruiting videos. Fortunately, all such videos find their posting place on YouTube, the most viewed social media. It is excellent for effective targeting.

Want to know more about recruitment videos? Dive into the article until the end, as we have discussed various other interesting aspects related to the concept. Let’s start by discussing the essential elements of 10 inspiring recruiting videos!

Best 10 Recruitment Videos

Here’s a rundown of our shortlisted ones in no particular order.

1. GrubHub

As we all know that food is the only way to live! Well, creative cooking is more of a thing, especially when combined with the company’s mission. The company asks, “What do you bring to the table?” as the most critical question in the employees’ interview. It opens up the company and employees’ opportunity to share their team contribution and fulfill the company’s goals.

2. Bluecore

The solution to a successful career is a better team collaboration and the ability to own projects independently. It’s a recruitment video with a super-attractive intro line that says, ‘Bluecore is the twistiest, trendiest, the best ride you will take in your career.’ Then, it covers all the required information that a candidate looks for in a company. It beautifully shows all the values and mission backed by employee testimonials.

3. HubSpot

HubSpot is a developer and marketer of high-quality software products for ultimate sale and inbound marketing. Their so-called ‘Culture Code’ is represented in the recruitment video. The dominant cultural and organizational environment is what they want to show, no matter what. There is a ‘no-door’ policy where nobody, even the executives, has no office. They have also stated the employees’ perks and unlimited vacation days.

4. Listrak

Listrak is a retail digital marketing automation platform for various DM services. They made a kind of cool recruitment video showing the busy, creative, and desired work environment. The video itself shows the company values and overall work environment, from feeling to eating as well. After watching the footage, everyone would love to feel refreshed. It looks like more of a next-level experience to work at Listrak.

5. Hillsboro Police

Would you love to see entertaining and quirky videos? Here’s a fascinating recruiting video by Hillsboro Police. It works well because it is an over-the-top and incredible video from a police department. The funny and downright element helps to check the insights of the police force more closely. Well, Hillsboro is one of the best among unique companies located in Hillsboro, Oregon.

6. Enova

Enova’s recruitment video presents all those candidates who would love to hear from a company. It further encourages employees to explore various support systems and interests in the evolving career path. The testimonials also shared for employees are with multiple roles and benefits in the company. The so-called team integration and collaborative work environment are well visible through Enova.

7. HomeAway

Life at HomeAway presents a series of recruitment videos while also showing their boomerang employees. The advantage taken is via sharing their stories and also documenting special events. They have stated their special events such as Movember celebrations, annual Battle of the Bands competition, and Bring your Kids to Work Day, etc. It’s an international company with various branches across the globe. It is the reason they have to make separate interview videos for each office.

8. Outcome Health

The motto ‘Activate Good’ indicates in the “Outcome Health’s” recruitment video. It shares a unique story of a passionate employee about giving back and providing opportunities to excel in their career path. No matter what your interest is, the Outcome Health will let you know how to achieve those dreams by positively incorporating a health factor into life. It is one of the many stories to help local non-profits and employees’ partners give something valuable to the community.

9. Trendkite

The video title is quite refreshing that says, ‘Inside Look at Trendkite’s Culture.’ It boasts a lot of enticing and funny benefits such as free food, hoverboards, and energetic, passionate, and initiative takers as a hiring team. They effectively balance the work environment and fun with colleagues in the workspace. They have also stated their core value as ‘One-Team,’ celebrating both team and individual wins no matter how versatile.

10. Quirky

The interns at Quirky have many other responsibilities than just filing papers and getting coffee out from there. The video specifies all the departmental kind of information and internship candidates you should hire. This recruitment video also encourages submitting video interview and further provides specific instructions on application submission. It shows the most lovely internship environment every intern would ever want.

Tips for Creating Awesome Recruitment Videos after Covid-19

It looks like that Covid-19 has changed the face of recruitment overnight. Due to uncertainty in every industry, the effect on recruitment would be no different. The pandemic has shifted a significant workforce in the specific ways that we haven’t anticipated. The recommended solution to social distancing places every work environment either at home or in a remote area. Companies are being encouraged to make recruitment videos and post them online. It also speeds up the hiring time while also giving the option of video interviewing.

Let’s learn some useful tips by which your recruitment videos stand out.

Include only the right people

Showing just the CEO or Founder of the company will not be helpful to make an awesome recruitment video. That’s not the ideal presentation of experience for the candidates. Show them what they want to see, including the employees and overall work environment.

Make multiple videos and keep them brief

You must make small video shots and then combine them with competent video editing software . It would be great to make little videos targeting various kinds of audiences. The next tip is to keep the overall recruitment video short between 2 to 4 minutes only.

Use an excellent video editor

Simply creating a video is not enough unless you know to edit it correctly. We recommend Wondershare Fimora9 video editor for beautiful editing features. It consists of lots of new functions, including advanced editing options as well. None of the recruitment videos is posted online without editing.

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Include a CTA (Call to Action)

Don’t make a video like a lost opportunity. Instead, you should make it a grabbing chance. Have some call-to-action directing a viewer to somewhere valuable. You can even put a link to a landing page on the career site of the company.

Extensively promote

Use various kinds of promotion tools and platforms to publish your videos. You can post them on Facebook, YouTube, and well-recognized promotion platforms and attract talented clients. Include the link of those videos in each of your job descriptions. Additionally, you can share such videos with Linkedin and Glassdoor.

Include the necessary information

Apart from presenting just the physical environment, you must also share the necessary information for the company. Sometimes, the creator forgets to state the required information in the desire for complicated info. But that’s not the solution if you have missed the basics.


So, this is all about inspiring recruitment videos! We have included all the required information on the concept and the best ten recruiting videos. Reading the post would also help you make amazing recruiting videos that stand out and prove to be action-oriented.

author avatar

Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

Liza Brown

Mar 27, 2024• Proven solutions

“In recruiting, there are no bad or good experiences, just learning experiences!” – Anonymous

Recruitment Videos

Nowadays, videos are the engaging and most preferred method not to tell, but to show. Yes, we are talking about those awesome recruitment videos. It would be super smart, easy, and memorable to attract new talent via videos. Check any of the recruitment videos, and you can admire how beautiful, informative, and attractive those videos are. A sense of authenticity shows by presenting a genuine understanding of the workplace, the company’s culture, and employees’ perspectives. Even if you want to flaunt employees, there’s no best choice than recruiting videos. Fortunately, all such videos find their posting place on YouTube, the most viewed social media. It is excellent for effective targeting.

Want to know more about recruitment videos? Dive into the article until the end, as we have discussed various other interesting aspects related to the concept. Let’s start by discussing the essential elements of 10 inspiring recruiting videos!

Best 10 Recruitment Videos

Here’s a rundown of our shortlisted ones in no particular order.

1. GrubHub

As we all know that food is the only way to live! Well, creative cooking is more of a thing, especially when combined with the company’s mission. The company asks, “What do you bring to the table?” as the most critical question in the employees’ interview. It opens up the company and employees’ opportunity to share their team contribution and fulfill the company’s goals.

2. Bluecore

The solution to a successful career is a better team collaboration and the ability to own projects independently. It’s a recruitment video with a super-attractive intro line that says, ‘Bluecore is the twistiest, trendiest, the best ride you will take in your career.’ Then, it covers all the required information that a candidate looks for in a company. It beautifully shows all the values and mission backed by employee testimonials.

3. HubSpot

HubSpot is a developer and marketer of high-quality software products for ultimate sale and inbound marketing. Their so-called ‘Culture Code’ is represented in the recruitment video. The dominant cultural and organizational environment is what they want to show, no matter what. There is a ‘no-door’ policy where nobody, even the executives, has no office. They have also stated the employees’ perks and unlimited vacation days.

4. Listrak

Listrak is a retail digital marketing automation platform for various DM services. They made a kind of cool recruitment video showing the busy, creative, and desired work environment. The video itself shows the company values and overall work environment, from feeling to eating as well. After watching the footage, everyone would love to feel refreshed. It looks like more of a next-level experience to work at Listrak.

5. Hillsboro Police

Would you love to see entertaining and quirky videos? Here’s a fascinating recruiting video by Hillsboro Police. It works well because it is an over-the-top and incredible video from a police department. The funny and downright element helps to check the insights of the police force more closely. Well, Hillsboro is one of the best among unique companies located in Hillsboro, Oregon.

6. Enova

Enova’s recruitment video presents all those candidates who would love to hear from a company. It further encourages employees to explore various support systems and interests in the evolving career path. The testimonials also shared for employees are with multiple roles and benefits in the company. The so-called team integration and collaborative work environment are well visible through Enova.

7. HomeAway

Life at HomeAway presents a series of recruitment videos while also showing their boomerang employees. The advantage taken is via sharing their stories and also documenting special events. They have stated their special events such as Movember celebrations, annual Battle of the Bands competition, and Bring your Kids to Work Day, etc. It’s an international company with various branches across the globe. It is the reason they have to make separate interview videos for each office.

8. Outcome Health

The motto ‘Activate Good’ indicates in the “Outcome Health’s” recruitment video. It shares a unique story of a passionate employee about giving back and providing opportunities to excel in their career path. No matter what your interest is, the Outcome Health will let you know how to achieve those dreams by positively incorporating a health factor into life. It is one of the many stories to help local non-profits and employees’ partners give something valuable to the community.

9. Trendkite

The video title is quite refreshing that says, ‘Inside Look at Trendkite’s Culture.’ It boasts a lot of enticing and funny benefits such as free food, hoverboards, and energetic, passionate, and initiative takers as a hiring team. They effectively balance the work environment and fun with colleagues in the workspace. They have also stated their core value as ‘One-Team,’ celebrating both team and individual wins no matter how versatile.

10. Quirky

The interns at Quirky have many other responsibilities than just filing papers and getting coffee out from there. The video specifies all the departmental kind of information and internship candidates you should hire. This recruitment video also encourages submitting video interview and further provides specific instructions on application submission. It shows the most lovely internship environment every intern would ever want.

Tips for Creating Awesome Recruitment Videos after Covid-19

It looks like that Covid-19 has changed the face of recruitment overnight. Due to uncertainty in every industry, the effect on recruitment would be no different. The pandemic has shifted a significant workforce in the specific ways that we haven’t anticipated. The recommended solution to social distancing places every work environment either at home or in a remote area. Companies are being encouraged to make recruitment videos and post them online. It also speeds up the hiring time while also giving the option of video interviewing.

Let’s learn some useful tips by which your recruitment videos stand out.

Include only the right people

Showing just the CEO or Founder of the company will not be helpful to make an awesome recruitment video. That’s not the ideal presentation of experience for the candidates. Show them what they want to see, including the employees and overall work environment.

Make multiple videos and keep them brief

You must make small video shots and then combine them with competent video editing software . It would be great to make little videos targeting various kinds of audiences. The next tip is to keep the overall recruitment video short between 2 to 4 minutes only.

Use an excellent video editor

Simply creating a video is not enough unless you know to edit it correctly. We recommend Wondershare Fimora9 video editor for beautiful editing features. It consists of lots of new functions, including advanced editing options as well. None of the recruitment videos is posted online without editing.

Download Win Version Download Mac Version

Include a CTA (Call to Action)

Don’t make a video like a lost opportunity. Instead, you should make it a grabbing chance. Have some call-to-action directing a viewer to somewhere valuable. You can even put a link to a landing page on the career site of the company.

Extensively promote

Use various kinds of promotion tools and platforms to publish your videos. You can post them on Facebook, YouTube, and well-recognized promotion platforms and attract talented clients. Include the link of those videos in each of your job descriptions. Additionally, you can share such videos with Linkedin and Glassdoor.

Include the necessary information

Apart from presenting just the physical environment, you must also share the necessary information for the company. Sometimes, the creator forgets to state the required information in the desire for complicated info. But that’s not the solution if you have missed the basics.


So, this is all about inspiring recruitment videos! We have included all the required information on the concept and the best ten recruiting videos. Reading the post would also help you make amazing recruiting videos that stand out and prove to be action-oriented.

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Liza Brown

Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.

Follow @Liza Brown

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